An Indian Head massage is the ideal way to get a person “out of their head”, far far away from everyday emotional and mental stress.
This restorative treatment can be invigorating or deeply calming and incorporates traditional Indian massage techniques, pressure points and stretches to the shoulders, neck, face and head.
Indian head massage at Massenka in Brighton & Hove is a relaxing therapy that can be extremely effective in preventing and alleviating common tension headaches and can help those suffering from migraine.
On a more general level these sessions help to relieve everyday stresses and tension, to release and eliminate toxins and lactic acid that build up around the muscles and the joints, and to promote a state of self healing and health in both body and mind.
- Relieving built up tension that can often result in headaches, migraines, neck and back pain..
- Detoxifying the body by stimulating lymphatic drainage
- Boosting overall immunity
- Improving circulation, which in turn increases energy levels.
- Promoting clarity and increased concentration.
- Soothes symptoms of asthma by calming the respiratory system.
- Relieves Mandibular Joint Tension.
- Increases muscle tone.
- Relieves symptoms of sinusitis.
- Boosts cerebral spinal fluid circulation.
- Relieves sleeplessness, restlessness and insomnia.
An Indian Head massage may also improve overall mental health by:
- Relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression
- Providing relief from stress and promotes relaxation
- Improving concentration levels
- Renewing energy levels
- Increasing feelings of peace, calm and well being.
- Boosting memory capabilities
Price: £45/30min